
Mp3skull Average ratng: 7,5/10 7293 reviews

A screenshot of MP3Skull, which just shuttered for good. Bad news for those who are used to downloading their favorite music for free (but good news for record labels, artists, and the entire music industry): MP3Skull, one of the world’s most popular sites for illegal music downloads, is no more. The website just lost a legal battle that was being waged against it by most of the major players in the music industry. The RIAA (the Recording Industry Association of America), alongside the three largest record labels in the world—Sony, Warner, and Universal—all came together last year to sue the people behind the company, with the intention of shutting down the pirating hub. The court’s decision requires that the people behind MP3Skull pay the RIAA and the record labels the impressive sum of $22 million, which is about $150,000 per track for the 148 illegally downloaded songs that the plaintiffs entered into evidence.

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Of course there weren’t only 148 songs downloaded illegally on the website (there were probably millions), but those were enough to win the case. In addition to a monetary payout—which the winners will likely never actually receive—the judge ruled that the domain name must be turned over as well. Throughout the entire proceeding, nobody from MP3Skull responded to any of the claims made by the RIAA and company, nor did they actually ever appear in court. Since there was no response from the website to the lawsuit, the judge presiding over the case was able to make a decision fairly quickly, and today that ruling became clear.

MP3Skull is just the latest illegal music site to lose a legal entanglement in the past few years. In 2015, popular streaming platform Grooveshark was after it lost its day in court, and Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom is currently in some trouble himself for creating and standing by the website. Sadly, even though the site has been legally shut down and the domain transferred, another version has already popped up. It is now located at, which may or may not last long. Piracy is still an enormous issue for the music industry, though it may be one that is slowly starting to go away naturally.


As people around the world find their way to streaming platforms like Spotify, Pandora, and the like, there is less of a need for them to illegally download music, since they can listen to whatever they want for free on legitimate sites. The combination of the natural progression to streaming and several legal victories may show that pirating is on its way out.

Mp3skull Available in Indonesian, English Website Over one million per day as of March 2015 Launched 2010 Current status Offline, Attempted to be shut down by lawsuit court order Mp3skull was a website that provided to files located on third-party sites. It was founded in 2010 and the site has been the subject of controversy for helping users to find unauthorized copies of music. Although Mp3skull was among Alexa's Top 500 websites in 2013, it suffered a drop in ranking due to a algorithm update that impacted sites considered to be promoting piracy. As of February 2016, and other music labels led a successful court case against Mp3Skull. The website moved to a new domain. As of October 2016, the website is offline. Blocking and censorship Mp3skull claimed to comply with the and removes infringing content reported by content owners.

On 17 April 2015, a lawsuit was filed against the operators of the website. The music companies involved in the suit asked for $520 million in and a permanent that prevents domain registrars and registries from working with the site. It has been speculated that the lawsuit was filed as a way for the to backdoor and use it further as a precedent to take other domains and websites down.

Similar lawsuits against and ended with both sites being shut down and settlements of $80 million and $110 million respectively. In October 2015, the website was submitted to as a notorious pirate site. According to RIAA, Mp3skull is the most highly trafficked MP3 website of its kind in the world as of 2015. As of February 9, 2016, RIAA had requested a total of 1,769,414 URLs on to be removed from 's search results. Autocad 2012 x64 crack. RIAA has mentioned the website specifically in their blog as well as in a public forum by CEO. The site's domain name was changed from to early in 2015, and the site has been operating via different domains ever since. On 24 February 2016 group of prominent RIAA labels have won a default judgment against the site in a lawsuit started on 17 April 2015.

Listing 148 music tracks as evidence, the companies asked for the maximum $950,000 in statutory damages for each, bringing the total to more than $190 million. This award was granted by U.S. District Judge, who additionally issued a permanent injunction preventing the site's operators from engaging in copyright-infringing activity in the future.

The site is consequently now offline. See also. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07.

Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07.

Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Free Mp3download

Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07.


Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Dredge, Stuart.

The Guardian. McIntyre, Hugh (26 February 2016). Retrieved 2016-05-07. Ars Technica. Retrieved 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2016-05-07.