Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7

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Bahan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1. 1.

  1. Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7

2014 ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J ENGLISH CORNER Bahan – Bahan untuk mengerjakan soal di QUIPPERSCHOOL.COM atau bahkan sebagai bahan Ulangan Akhir Semester 1 dimana telah disediakan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris untuk pelajaran kelas 7. Saying and Responding Thank you Whenever we are pleased of something that other has done for us, we say “thank you”. There are many occasion in expressing thanks. For example, when your friends give you some help or presents; or when your friends congratulate and wish for you, you are supposed to say thank you. There are some common phrases to say “thank you” both in formal and casual ways. Thanks: More Casual Thanks a bunch: Casual You have made my day: Casual You are the best: Casual Thank you: Neutral Thank you very much: Formal Thank you so much: Formal I’m so grateful: Formal You are so kind: Formal That’s very kind of you: Formal I really appreciate it: More formal I would like to thank to: More formal (in speech or business letter) I would like to express my casual: More formal (in speech or business letter) These are some expression to respond to the expression of thanking. Sure!: Casual Anytime: Casual No problem: Casual You’re welcome: Neutral Don’t worry about it: Formal Don’t mention it: Formal My pleasure: Formal 1 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J.

It is the least I can do: More formal It is no trouble at all: More formal Learn about it Study the following conversations to enhance your understanding of saying and responding thanking. Andy: Hi Dad. Dad: Hi Andy, can I help you? Andy: Dad, can you fix my bike? I got the tire flat. Dad: Sure, bring me the tire pump. Andy: Here is it.

Dad: Thanks (Dad fixes the tire): It is done! Now you can ride your bike again. Andy: Wow, thank you dad. I love you Dad: Sure!

I love you too. Man: Excuse me sir, can you show me the way to 67th Simpson Avenue? Policeman: You can walk from here. Just go straight, and turn left on the second red light.

The 67th Simpson Avenue is right next to the barbershop. Man: Thank you very much sir.

Police man: You’re welcome. Rina: Dian, could you please hold my books for awhile. I need to pick up my phone Dian: Sure, let me hold them. Rina: Thanks Dian: No problem. Galih: Ratna, I made this cupcake for you.

Ratna: Wow, that’s very kind of you. Thank you so much. Galih: It’s the least I can do.

2 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J. Saying and Responding Greeting Formal Greetings and Goodbyes In English, people use formal greetings to speak to friends, elders, or strangers.

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Formal greeting usually considers the time. Here are some common formal greetings in English. “Good morning” People say “good morning” from the time they wake up (5 a.m.) until mid-day (12 p.m.). Respond it by saying “good morning”. “Good afternoon” People say “good afternoon” from mid-day (12 p.m.) until the sun sets (5 p.m.). You can respond it by saying “good afternoon”.

Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7

“Good evening” We say “good evening” from dusk (5 p.m.) until mid-night (1 a.m.). You can respond by saying “good evening”. “How are you?” People say “how are you?” to show their care. We respond it by saying “I’m fine. Thank you” “Welcome” We say “welcome” to greet people who just arrive in a place. Respond it by saying “Thank you” “Nice to meet you / pleased to meet you” This is to show that you are happy of meeting people. Respond by saying “nice to meet you too” “Goodbye / See you later” People say “Goodbye” or “See you later” in farewell when the conversation is over.

“Have a good day” We usually say “have a good day” whenever the conversation ends. We can respond it by saying “thank you”. 3 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J. “Good night” We say “good night” for leave-taking or when we go to bed. Saying “good night” always means “good bye”.

You can respond by saying “see you later” or “goodbye” Casual Greetings and Goodbyes You can use casual greetings when you greet your close friends. Casual greetings are less concern about time. Remember that casual greeting is only for people you know closely. Here are some common casual greetings in English. “Hello” / “Hi” Saying “Hello” or “Hi” is the simplest way of greeting or to start a conversation. “What’s up?” Younger people tend to say “what’s up” to greet with their friends instead of “how are you?”.

We can respond it by saying “I’m fine” or “I’m good”. “Catch you later” You can say “catch you later” to your close friends. It means “goodbye” in casual way. You can respond with any goodbye expression “Take care” This is a familiar way to say “goodbye”. Respond it by saying “Thank you” or “goodbye” Here are the examples. Anna: “Good morning Jim” Jim: “Good morning Anna, how are you today?” Anna: “I’m fine, thanks. Jim, have you seen Bella?” Jim: “No I haven’t.

Why don’t you ask Diana?” Anna: “Oh, okay. Thank you Jim, have a good day” Jim: “See you later” 10 a.m. Anna: “Hello Diana” Diana: “Hi Anna. What’s up?” Anna: “I’m looking for Bella. Did you see her?” Diana: “No I didn’t. You can ask Mrs. She is Bella’s homeroom teacher” 4 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J.

Anna: “Thank you very much. Catch you later” Diana: “Okay, bye” 1 p.m. Anna: “Good afternoon Mrs. Lori: “Good afternoon Anna, can I help you?” Anna: “Have you seen Bella today?” Mrs. Lori: “No I haven’t.

Her mom told me that Bella got a fever and needs to rest” Anna: “Really? I didn’t know that. I think I’m going to visit her after the school” Mrs.

Lori: “That’s good. Send her my regards. I’m sorry I could not visit her” Anna: “I’ ll send her your regards, Mrs.

Thank you for telli ng me. See you later” Mrs. Lori: “Take care, Anna” Anna: “Thank you, Mrs. Anna: “Good evening Bella” Bella: “Hi Anna, I never thought you would come to see me” Anna: “Mrs. Lori told me that you got a fever. Are you okay?” Bella: “I’m getting better anyway” Anna: “Actually, I made some chicken soup for you” Bella: “Wow, thank you very much. You are really my best friend” Anna: “You’re welcome.

By the way, Mrs. Lori sends her regards for you” Bella: “I hope I can go to school as soon as possible” Anna: “Well, I think I have to go home now. It is getting late” Bella: “Okay then, thank you Anna. You just made my day” Anna: “My pleasure. See you at school Bella, good night” Bella: “Good night, Anna” 5 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J. Saying and Responding Apologize Saying Apology When you make small mistakes, for example, you bump into people on the street or you drop your friend’s book by accident, you can say short apology:.

Sorry Example: Example: (When you bump into someone on the street)“Oops! Sorry.” But, if you feel guilty and you regret what you have done, you can say one of these phrases:. “I am so sorry.”. “I am terribly sorry.”. “Please forgive me for.”. “I’d like to apologize for.” Conversation 1 (Situation: Herlin has just broken Galang’s glasses.) Galang: “What have you done with my glasses?” Herlin: “Galang, I am terribly sorry for breaking your glasses.” Conversation 2 (Situation: Diana is angry because Indra hasn’t come yet.

She’s trying to call him) Diana: “Hey, where are you? I have been waiting for you for two hours.” Indra: “Please forgive me for making you wait me for so long. I am on my way.” Conversation 3 (Situation: Risdi says sorry because he couldn’t come to Dena’s party) Dena: “Risdi, why did not come to my party last night?” Risdi: “I’d like to apologize for not coming to your party. My father didn’t let me go out.” When you admit your mistake, and want to take responsibility for it, you can say:.

“That’s my fault.”. “Sorry. It was all my fault.” Example: Conversation 4 6 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J.

(Situation: Bryan found his jacket wet) Bryan: “Why is my jacket wet?” Danny: “Sorry. It was my fault. I spilt water on it.” If you want to say sorry to people close to you:. “Please don’t be angry.” Example: Conversation 5 (Situation: Diana has just broken her mom’s watch) Mom: “Diana, what happened to you?” Diana: “Mom, I broke your favorite watch.


Please don’t be mad at me.” Responding Apology To respond to an apology, you can say the following phrases:. “It’s OK.”. “It’s alright.”.

“Never mind.”. “No problem.”. “Forget about it.”. “Don’t apologize.”.

“It doesn’t matter.”. “Don’t think about it.”. “Don’t worry about it.” Example: Barry: “Gina, I am sorry I didn’t tell you that I borrowed your book.” Gina: “Don’t worry about it.” Barry: “But I lost it.” Gina: “What?” Barry: “That was all my fault, but I’ve just bought a new one for you. Here you are.” Gina: “That’s very kind of you.” Barry: “Once again I am terribly sorry for losing it.” Gina: “It’s all right. At least you bought me a new one.” To sum up, expressions of apology: -are used when you made a mistake, feel sorry about it and want to apologize; 7 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J.have to be responded by the person you’re apologizing to, whether to be accepted or rejected by him/her.

8 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J. Saying and Responding Goodbye Saying Goodbye Saying goodbye is an expression that is used to end a conversation with other people. It is usually called as parting. People have different ways to say goodbye to others. Sometimes, it depends on how close their relationship is. You can see it from the gestures and words.

There are several ways to say goodbye. But, you can’t use those expressions as you want. Pay attention to the situation (when you use it and to who).

For example: o o When you want to close the conversation by saying short goodbye, you can use these phrases:  Goodbye  Bye For example: Aji: “The game was fun, but I need to go now. Goodbye, Dwi.” Dwi: “Alright. Bye.” o o When you want to leave your friend and hope to see him/her again soon, you can say one of these phrases:  “See you.”  “See you later.”  “See you soon.”  “Talk to you later.” For example: Dina: “Ah, I have to go. My mom is waiting me.

See you later.” Ana: “Ok. See you.” o o When you want to leave because it is late at night, or you want to say goodbye because it is time to go to bed, use “Good Night.” For example: Rina: “I need to go to bed now.

I should go to school earlier tomorrow morning. Good night.” Septy: “Have a sleep tight. Good night.” 9 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J. Note: “Good night” is not an expression of greeting like “Good morning”. Remember, it is one of parting expression to close the conversation. O o When you want to close the conversation with someone you have just known.

You can say:  “Glad to see you.”  “Nice to meet you.”  “Pleased to meet you.” For example: Wisnu: “Hello, how do you do?” Bangkit: “Hi, how do you do?” Wisnu: “Nice to meet you” Bangkit: “Nice to meet you, too” Responding Goodbye To respond to goodbye, you can say:  “Pleased to meet you, too.”  “Nice to meet you, too.”  “Until next time.”  “Sounds good.”  “See you later.”  “Good night.”  “Goodbye.”  “See you.”  “So long.”  “Bye. “ For examples: Conversation 1 Yoga: “How do you do?” Intan: “How do you do?” Yoga: “Pleased to meet you.” Intan: “Pleased to meet you, too.” Conversation 2 Selvy: “Ah, I must be going now. Talk to you later.” Justin: “Ok. Until next time.” 10 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J. Conversation 3 Davin: “It was late. I have to go home.

Good night.” Bella: “Good night.” To sum up, expressions of leave-taking/goodbye:  are used when you want to leave people you are talking to or end the conversation;  use the expression depends on the reason why you leave that person, or whether you want to talk to him/her again;  have to be responded by the person you are talking with, to make sure that the conversation really ends. 11 Bahasa Inggris Semester 1ANNISA FAUZIYAH 7J. Asking and Responding Self Introduction Objectives DESCRIPTION: Arranging simple oral and written texts of stating, asking, and responding to short and simple self-introduction by considering the social function, generic structure, and language features based on the context of use. Objective: In this topic, you will learn how to tell more details about yourself; how to ask about others’; and how to answer when people ask some details about you. We know that there are many things we can share or ask when we meet someone new.

LESSON Key Points o In the previous topic, we have learned about how to introduce ourselves and some other information about ourselves. When you meet new people, sometimes you want to know some details about people you have just met.