Finale Worksheets Make Music

Finale Worksheets Make Music Average ratng: 6,7/10 3242 reviews

One hard part about finding the perfect music theory workbook is that ability and age both play a factor in what a child can understand. Right now I have three 1st grade boy students who are twinklers and at the beginning of Book 1. I also have four 9-12 year old girls at the end of Book 1. These two groups of students cannot use the same workbook, in my opinion. Even though they are all in book 1 their age plays a major factor in what they can comprehend. 1st graders are just barely learning how to read and write and know basic arithmetic.

4th, 5th, and 6th graders can read and comprehend much more and their writing skills are much more advanced. They understand much more math and abstract concepts and therefor can work in a more advanced book.

Junior Musicianship System and Music Theory Books 1 and 2 from The Fun Music Company. 50 soal pg bahasa inggris kelas 11. This set of music theory books come as a digital copy. Individually the Junior Musicianship costs $49.95 and the Theory Books cost $59.95 each. Together you can buy the Junior Musicianship, Theory Books 1 and 2, plus several other fun and informative worksheets for $99.00. This gives you A LOT of worksheets and you have full printing rights after purchase for the rest of your life. There is also a Theory book 3 and 4 that I didn't purchase. The Junior Musicianship is meant for YOUNG students (preschoolers - kindergarten.) It has:.Large Print Manuscript designed just for little fingers and thick pencils or markers.Very few words Preschool children usually havn’t learned how to read yet!.Over 200 Worksheets including some designed especially for teaching violin.Has Pitch, Rhythm, and Symbols worksheets.

What I like: It's the most basic set of theory worksheets I've found. You can pick and choose which worksheets to give out. Some of the ones that aren't violin are more geared toward piano, but my preschooler will have fun working on several of these each day.

What I don't like: Can I say that there are too many worksheets? I used up tons of printer ink to print them. I wish there were more 'fun' pages instead of just writing notes on the staff.

Music Theory Books 1 (48 pgs) and 2 (58 pgs)is a very comprehensive theory course.Comprehensive self-checking material to cover all aspects of music theory teaching.Flexibility in printing so you can print what you need, when you need it.Access to support so that If there’s a topic in music theory for the level that you see has not covered, then you can request it and it will be generated for you within seven days.Includes assessments, multiple choice quizzes and even a completion exam for each level. What I like: It's very comprehensive. It's a bit expensive with up-front costs, but I like that I can have it forever and print it for any students I want in the future. The second book is a good review of the first plus added material so it would be good to give an older student who has never done a theory workbook before. What I don't like: I wish there were more 'fun' pages and review of past concepts.

It gives a concept and a few exercises and moves on. ADDED BONUS: The Fun Music Company has so way fun and unique 'fun' theory games that you can purchase at additional cost.

I'm keeping a close eye out because they come up with new ones every so often. Ones that I like are Printable Music Games, Treasure Island Games, Music Symbol Code Breakers, and Musical Terms for the Digital Age.

You can get some of these in the $99 package deal. Workbook for Strings 1 & 2, Highland/Etling. I am wishy washy about this book. It really gives a thorough approach to the names of notes, finger patterns, scales, key signatures, but not other topics as much. It's specific toward string instruments, particularly violin.


The second book really goes into detail about key signatures, scales, and finger patterns. Cost: $7.95 Book 1 is 44 pages, Book 2 is 40 pages What I like: it's very thorough for the information presented.

I think it would be good for an older beginner (at least Book 2) who just needs a better understanding of the fingerboard. Book 2 would be better for Book 4 or older.

What I don't like: It doesn't give a broad view of other theory subjects. It's a very 'boring' looking book. I don't think you can buy this book. It was given to me by another teacher years ago and I've used it on and off.

The concepts are presented creatively and gives an overview of most of the major concepts for theory. It's not very long. When I used it in the past I would go over a concept at each lesson and they would do the worksheet for that concept. Book 1 is good for Suzuki book 2 and Book 2 is good for Suzuki Book 3 or 4. It's only 24 pages.

I'm giving this book to my older students who I know are really busy during the summer. What I like: The pages are fun and creative at presenting the topics. What I don't like: It presents a concept once and moves on. Even each activity for the subject isn't very long. If a child doesn't understand it there isn't much reinforcement. Beginning Violin Theory for Children 1, 2, and 3 by Melanie Smith I was so excited for these books because they had a lot of pages so I knew it wouldn't just be an overview.

However, it's so repetitive and (am I being blunt?) Boring! I'm interested to see how a student will do with these books because it's pages and pages of writing the same notes over and over.

So, in that respect it gives a lot of repetition, but I kind of think of it like pages and pages of writing the alphabet. It is very simple and doesn't have many activities. Book 3 gives a VERY thorough approach to note names and key signatures.

Book 1: $9.95 82 pages Book 2: $14.95 130 pages Book 3: $17.95 150 pages What I like: It's not just a brief overview. A child will know their stuff by the end. The first book is very simple. By Book 3 it is more difficult. It's hard to say what age and Suzuki level, yet. I'll update when I have more experience.

What I don't like: I think it looks boring and too repetitive. I also think it's a bit expensive. Just the Facts primer, 1, 2, and 3.

This is a great book that covers a lot of information in a little amount of space. It's available for piano, violin, viola, cello, and guitar. In my opinion the price is right and it has fun little activities for each page.I wish it had more. However, I just found that the same company has little 'mini activity books' for sale as well for $3.75. They are 16 pages each. Cost of each book: $8.95 and they are each 25 pages. What I like: They are very thorough, but not too difficult.

Each page gives several explanations and review of previous material plus a little activity. Comes in 4 volumes so it could easily be used over a period of 4 years. What I don't like: I wish it were longer. I wish it had more activities, but the 'mini book' might solve that problem. Let's Learn Music 1, 2, and 3 by Hayes Publishing. This is a book meant for school music classes. It's non-instrument specific.

The price is good and I was doubly happy when I realized that they are reproducible!! That means I don't ever have to buy it again for my students - I can only charge for the copying. Book 1 is extremely simple. This is one step up from the Junior Musicianship above. I am giving this one to my three 1st grade boys. Book 3 gives a brief explanation of chords and major/minor scales, but it's not too complicated.

Cost: $6.95 per book, 40-46 pages. What I like: The first book has really big writing which is good for little hands. It's basic, but gives good explanation of the concept. There is also an activity workbook that I don't have, yet. I'm waiting for that in the mail! What I don't like: Can they PLEASE get someone who LOOKS like they can play the violin on the front cover!

Also, it's not violin specific, which I want. Essentials of Music Theory, Alfred. This is a well-known theory book. It's laid out very well and gives one of the best overviews of them all (it's very similar to the Fun Music Company theory books.) There is also a book for activities that you can buy that is REPRODUCIBLE. It's not violin specific, but I know they have an alto clef version for viola. It introduces bass clef and the grand staff, but the majority of the exercises are in the treble clef.

To me this is okay for a more advanced student. They should have a bit of background on the other clefs.

Book 2 is a direct companion with the first book, not reviewing any information - just going on. Book 3 goes into detail about triads, 7th chords, figured bass, and chord progression.

It's way too advanced for what I want to teach. Cost: $6.50 40 pages OR you can buy all three books for $12.99 (all bound together.) What I like: Book 1 is a great overview - one of the best.

The companion activity book gives fun worksheets to do. This book would probably be good for young Book 4 students and above. Book 2 is more difficult, but is a good companion to the second. I'm not even going to get into Book 3 with my students. What I don't like: It isn't violin specific.

It also is a lot like a text book. Alfred has a lot of companion material for these books including software and teaching materials. Violin Theory for Beginners, Dorothy Croft. This is the only book I've actually had experience with because my daughter's teacher had her do it last summer. She was 9 and in Book 6.

She is also very intelligent. She zipped through the first part of the book, but the second half of the book got into details about triads and scales and I had to work with her on it. I would suggest this book for Book 4 and above and at least 9 years old, but probably a bit older. Don't let the 'beginners' in the title fool you. It has a second book that I haven't seen.

I don't know how advanced it gets. Cost: $10.95 48 pages What I like: Has lots of exercises and repetitions. A good book for the more advanced student. What I didn't like: Not really fun and creative. All For Strings Theory Workbook 1 & 2, Frost.

I wasn't going to get this book but it had great reviews online and it wasn't very expensive. It's a good little workbook for a summer project like mine. It has activities and briefly explains major concepts. I don't have Book 2 yet, but I really like Book 1.

Cost: $4.50 32 pages What I like: It's inexpensive, violin specific, and has the keyboard for some activities (violinists still need to know about the keyboard.) I think this is great for understanding a lot of theory. What I don't like: I wish it were longer and more thorough. Foundations for Music Reading 1, 2, and 3, Faith Farr. I was so excited to get these books in the mail the other day. They are big books and at first glance has a lot of material. I think these were created by a Suzuki teacher so it has lots of repetitions and review.

It also uses many different ways to learn: aural, verbal, tactile, kinesthetic, and written. Cost: $21.95 125 pages What I like: I think this is such a well-rounded approach to learning. It's the basics, but goes into details.

It has activities, challenges, and sections where the children have to 'create' so they are applying their knowledge. What I don't like: Unfortunately, this is one of my favorites, but has the biggest drawback! To really make this a great book you have to get the 'supplemantal material' which is Fink, Quick steps to Note Reading Books 1 and 2, Perkins, Logical approach to Rhythmic Notation Book 1, and Etling, Workbook for Strings (described above). So, I have to get 4 more books to really make this book useful!

That bothers me because this is a pretty expensive book (naturally because it has so many pages) but in order for it to be 'worth it' (in my mind) I need to buy four more books. I've looked through this book and it does seem like you can do it without the supplemental books, but you're missing half of the exercises. As a teacher I could tweek it and do the same type of exercises in other books, but I don't have the time to tweek a whole book for each student. This is my biggest frustration with this book.

The Bottom Line I can find good things about all of these books, but none of them are exactly what I want. I want a 60-75 page book that is less than $15 that has several volumes (is 8 to much to ask for?) with several ability levels. I'd like it to cover all of the material in Alfred's theory book, but have fun and creative exercises and worksheets.

I'd like it to use the multiple learning approach like the Farr books, but have it be a unit all in itself that I can hand out yearly to my students and they can enjoy doing each summer.I guess I'll just have to make my own someday.check back in 10 years. Perhaps it's good that I have all of these books because each student has his/her own needs.

I'm going to have my 3 year old twinkle do the Junior Musicianship series. I'm going to have two of my young Book 1 students do the Let's Learn Music book 1. I'm going to have my other young Book 1 student do the Just the Facts Primer. My older, late book 1 students will be doing Let's Learn Music book 2, Beginner Violin Theory 1, All for Strings 1, and Notes for Strings 1. My Book 2 students will be doing The Fun Music Co. Theory Book 1, Workbook for Strings 1, and Just the Facts 1 (younger student) and 2 (older student). My Book 3 students will be doing Alfred's Essentials 1.

My Book 4 students will be doing Beginner Violin Theory 3, Alfred's Essentials 2, and Notes for Strings 2. My Book 5 students will be doing The Fun Music Co. Theory Book 2. And my Book 6 students will be doing Dorothy Crofts Theory Book 1.and my Book 2 6-year-old daughter will be doing the Faith Farr book 1 and I will purchase the other supplementary books that I don't have. I really like this one the best and I want to see how it goes with all of the other books. It may be too overwhelming for some families. I'll report back when I see how my students like the books.

That's the real test! I'd love to hear your comments about any of these books! Thanks, Leslie. I've used both the All for Strings (books 1 and 2) and the Let's Make Music books, and while they both have some good points, I wasn't overall satisfied with them.

I just started using some free reproduceable Finale worksheets (with a 12 year old beginner, and though not violin specific, I like this set of worksheets. I like that each lesson is divided into 5 exercises so the student isn't completing an entire lesson in one sitting, and then forgetting about it. I use the theory time books with my students - I love them!! There are 12 'grades' plus a Primer if the student is too young for grade 1. It kind of seems like a lot of review, but it's very thorough. If a student finishes all 12 books they should have no problem testing out of several college classes. It's very pleasant to work through, too.and it includes ear training lessons you can do with a video from the company website!

I would look into them, they might be exactly what you're looking for:-) I use the theory time workbooks as well. They are very thorough, however they were designed for pianists. They are one of the best kid friendly theory books I've found.

I love the ear training in the back of the book. Books primer-3 are for young children. Older children can begin in book 4 and not lose anything from the previous books. I have my violinists use this book and just accommodate when it comes to some of the piano activities.

I do agree that violinists need to have some knowledge of the piano. I like that I can pick and choose how much piano they do.

. offers several different typeface (font) editor applications with various features and price points. FontLab Studio, their top of the line offering, supports all major outline font formats, including Type 1, TrueType, Multiple Master and OpenType, and is available for Mac OSX and Windows operating systems.

is a typeface (font) editor program developed by George Williams. FontForge is free software and is distributed under the BSD license. FontForge is available for several operating systems and is localized in several languages. convert written music into Braille using this plugin for Finale. by Philip Aker is a plug-in for Finale which provides many additional transposition features.

By Jari Williamsson is a suite of plug-ins for Finale. By the same author provides useful Finale solutions not listed in the manuals. Jari has written dozens of plugins for Finale, and there is a comprehensive list of other 3rd party on the site. is the solution to set early music notation with Finale (11th - 15th centuries), like Gregorian chant. The package contains 2 fonts, a plug-in (a tool palette includes automatic recognition of neumes), default files, samples, and a printed documentation in 4 languages.

For Mac or PC. Published and distributed by Klemm Music Technology. has developed plugins such as Tuplet Copy, Tuplet Mover, Staff Sets, Patterson Beams and Settings Scrapbook. His page also has tips on how to write your own plug-ins. This is a great resource for anyone interested in plug-ins for Finale. music notation import / export plugin uses technology. It lets you distribute interactive sheet music online, and to use sheet music files with a wide variety of musical applications. Save music to previous versions of Finale, import music scanned with SharpEye Music Reader or Photoscore, and exchange your music with Sibelius and other notation software users.

for Finale by Tobias Giesen. Currently, still the most comprehensive suite of 3rd party plug-ins currently available (although Jari Williamson seems to be catching up fast). Plug-Ins include: Spacing Utilities, Lyrics Utilities, Harp Pedaling, Mass Create Hairpins, Mass Create Slurs, Automatic Tremolo, Text Expression Sorter, Secondary Beam Breaker, Harmonics Automation and Process extracted parts to extract one voice from a multi-voice staff. 'Playback' plug-in for glissandi and hairpins. Many other useful features.

these keyboard sticker sets designed to increase productivity with Finale are made from over 40 micro-interweaved PVC layers and special adhesive which once appliedto your keyboard have a 2 year guarantee. The Finale Keyboard set contains almost 70 color grouped shortcut keys which are easy to apply and are compatible with all standard keyboards.

Each Shortcut Key contains the keys letter, the Finale shortcut icon and also a text shortcut underneath for quicker shortcut access. Use our special code to save 15% when ordering: RPMSEATTLE. A comprehensive, easy-to-use and economical orchestral sample Library. Extremely high quality collection of orchestral instruments, and a great value. Garritan also sells the Jazz and Big Band sample library (JABB). universal Music XML translator that fixes anomalies (tuplets, notes, styles, articulations) occurring when converting from MIDI to notation software (Sibelius, Finale). For anyone who works with MIDI files in notation programs.

Makemusic Finale Worksheets

is a Macro tool for Mac OSX and Windows from. shareware to help transcribe recorded music for Windows and Macintosh. Includes the ability to slow mp3 audio files down without changing the pitch, and to analyse chords and show you what notes are present. Tunefinder is a Melody Index for Mac OSX (soon for Windows). It will show you the name of the composer and composition for any of over 13,000 melodies from classical and popular music when all you know is the melody itself. The database includes themes and melodies from scores of composers, including Arlen, Bach, Beethoven, Berlioz, Bizet, Brahms, Bruckner, Chopin, Corelli, Debussy, Donizetti, Dvorak, Elgar, Gershwin, Gluck, Grieg, Handel, Haydn, Joplin, Liszt, Mahler, Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Milhaud, Mozart, Offenbach, Prokofiev, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Rodgers, Rossini, Saint-Saens, Scarlatti, Schubert, Schumann, Sibelius, Smetana, Sousa, Strauss, Strauss, Sullivan, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Vivaldi,Wagner, andWeber.

European research and software to allow the distribution of interactive music via Internet. Wedelmusic is an XML compliant software format that presents multimedia capabilities and includes identification, classification, symbolic, visual, versioning, printing, protection, image score, image, document, performance, video, and lyric aspects. There is currently a Finale plug-in and editor (Windows only) for using the format. a language designed to notate tunes in an ascii format. It was designed primarily for folk and traditional tunes of Western European origin (such as English, Irish and Scottish) which can be written on one stave in standard classical notation. provides solutions for preservation for colleges and universities, museums, historical societies, art and music libraries, medical schools and government offices as wellas for the private conservator.

at Colorado College. A great resource - includes an extensive notation bibliography, links, notation conventions, and keyword search of the Finale Digests.

Fantastic Finale Worksheet

Gordon Callon's comprehensive list of for Mac and PC is worth checking out. You may be surprised to find out how many music notation software applications currently exist in addition to, Fermata, LilyPond, Opus, Score, and Turandot, many of which are freeware or shareware. if you are a Finale engraver or copyist, you can be listed at no charge in this directory. explains the evolution of basis weights and sizes,how certain sizes became standard. This email discussion list moderated by Alain Van Kerckhoven is devoted to music typesetting and lay-out. It is not commercial and one click is enough to unsubscribe, so you can easily try it out. You may configure it to receive the messages individually or as digests.

this useful chart cross references Book, Bond, Cover, Bristol, Index and Tag papers by weight. Donald Byrd, of the School of Music at Indiana University has compiled this entertaining and informative resource. maintained by Professor Henry Howey at Sam Houston State University.

This page also details the relevant files contained in the SHSU FTP archive listed above. a place for Finale users to communicate with each other, exchange ideas, and help one another. One of the oldest Finale related chat / discussion sites. a nice collection of how - to articles written by Finale users, hosted by Seattle's Mike Rosen. a webpage created by John Greschak devoted to suggestions and user votes for improving Finale. known primarily as a supplier of music paper and supplies, located in Hollywood, California, JGM also provides complete music duplication and binding services, including gold, silver or colored lettering on scores and orchestra covers.

Finale Worksheets Music Theory

The Music Library Association is the professional organization in the United States devoted to music librarianship and to all aspects of music materials in libraries. Founded in 1931.

the Major Orchestra Librarian's Association was founded in 1983 primarily to help improve communication among orchestra librarians. The Association's other objectives include educating and assisting librarians, presenting a unified voice in publisher relations and providing education, support, and information to performing arts and other music service organizations.

Music Publisher's Association of the United States. if you are a Finale engraver or copyist, you can be listed at no charge in this directory. An international association exploring alternative music notation systems that improve upon traditional music notation, and providing resources for the wider consideration and use of these alternativenotation systems. has developed music scanning software, and is working with Coda on this technology. Scanned files can now be imported directly into Finale. an excellent collection of notation related links. Subjects include: Comparisons of Music Notation Applications, Music Braille, Common Music Notation, Shape Note, Tablature, Early Music, Non-Western Notation, Byzantine Music Notation, Kinko Ryu Shakuhachi Notation, Extra-terrestrial music notation.

The Northeast Document Conservation Center was founded in 1973 to specialize in the preservation and conservation of paper-based materials, including books, manuscripts, photographs, and art on paper. National Music Publisher's Association. binding machines especially for printed music parts and scores.